The Power of Polymer Processing Simulation – The Proof is in Material Data
Cristoph Hinse, SimpaTEC GmbH
In his talk, Cristoph Hinse will give an overview of the current possibilities of polymer processing simulation and will explain the general process and workflow using the example of injection molding. He will round it off with some examples highlighting the importance and pitfalls related to the input material data.

Cristoph Hinse is a cofounder of the company SimpaTec GmbH in Aachen, one of the leading engineering and software partners for the plastic processing industry. Already during his studies in Chemical Engineering - with a special focus on plastics technology; he gains his first experiences in CAE and process simulation at the institute IKV Aachen. After that, he was - in his function as a project manager - responsible for the coordination, organization and realization of simulation aided engineering projects. Since 2004 Cristoph Hinse offers today as General Manager of SimpaTec, professional engineering services and support for the holistic development and optimization of components, tools and injection molding processes and FEM. With different subsidiaries in Aachen, Hamburg, Reutlingen, Weimar (Germany), Linz (Austria), Guebwiller (France), Bangkok (Thailand) and North Carolina (US) SimpaTec is able to always be as near as possible to their user and to penetrate the plastic manufacturing market with the subject of injection molding process simulation.